La ville bruyante (2021)

Composition with accompanying visual performance composed for Toronto-based Frequency Freaks July 2021 workshop.

Category: Various

  • La ville bruyante (2021)

    Composition with accompanying visual performance composed for Toronto-based Frequency Freaks July 2021 workshop.

  • Erosion (2020)

    Design for installation exploring themes of conservation, transmutation and exposure in relation to the erosion of Prince Edward Island. Featuring custom built light-soundhouses, novel spatialisation, projection and sound. Proof of concept stereo demo below.


  • Frequency Freaks Workshop June 13/20 – Collaboration

    Frequency Freaks Workshop June 13/20 – Collaboration

    Visual performance as part of a collaboration with Toronto-based musician Steve Castellano.

  • Fluxus AGES (2020)

    Fluxus AGES (2020)

    Fluxus AGES
    Fluxus AGES Project w/Émilie Fortin

    Fluxus Algorithmically Generated Event Scores (Fluxus.AGES) is an experiment in natural language processing, machine learning and art, melding the worlds of the Fluxus movement and artificial intelligence research. This collaboration came together as part of NO HAY BANDA’s “Fluxus Online” event which will be featured as part of the 2020 Suoni Per Il Popolo festival.  More details here.

    A link to the website will be made available during the June 16th launch event.

  • GAS (2020)

    GAS (2020)

    As part of the 2020 edition of the Festival de la Bête Noire with the support of MainLine Theatre, GAS bubbles to the surface at the intersection of a TED talk, live science experiment, musical performance and storytelling soirée.

  • Under the Sheets (2019)

    Under the Sheets (2019)

    “…a concert unlike any other, an intimate celebration of human connection and the immeasurable power of music as a tool of self-expression.” – Montreal Theatre Hub

    Raw, autobiographical stories with captivating musical performances presented as part of the 2019 Festival St-Ambroise Fringe Montreal festival.