Category: Performance
Extinction: Volcano Beatitude (2021)
Composition, sound recording, production, electronics and voice: Roxanne Melissa Guerra-Lacasse
Composition, Buchla Music Easel, ondes Martenot, MIDI guitar and voice: Pat McMaster
Composed as part of the first ever Vivier Interuniversitaire matchmaking composer/performer intitiative, 2020/2021.
The Emperor’s Visit (2020)
The Emperor’s Visit is a nine-channel fixed-media composition with live quadraphonic accompaniment and Arduino-controlled looping. It was composed and performed in the Spring of 2020 as part of the Electroacoustic program at Concordia University.
Onibaba (2017)
Completely original electronic sound design and score for Kaneto Shindo’s classic 1964 film.
Improvisation for Three Ondomo (2016)
Improvisation for 3 Ondomo. Performed by Ayako Hase, Daniel Àñez, and Pat McMaster. Recorded at Casa del Popolo, Montréal, November 19th, 2016.
Γ (Music for two electronic Music Easels)
A musical tribute to Don Buchla, with Thomas Dupouy & Pat McMaster. Special guests Daniel Áñez and Ayako Hase, both on Ondomo. Recorded live at Casa del Popolo, Montreal, Canada on November 19th, 2016.