Category: Composition
85 (2021)
On April 17th, 2022 electronic musical instrument visionary Don Buchla would have turned 85. In celebration, and as an expression of gratitude, for the rich legacy of his pioneering work, 85 is a quadraphonic composition for theremin, tape-loop and Buchla format modular instruments. Here is a stereo mix of the composition.
La ville bruyante (2021)
Composition with accompanying visual performance composed for Toronto-based Frequency Freaks July 2021 workshop.
Extinction: Volcano Beatitude (2021)
Composition, sound recording, production, electronics and voice: Roxanne Melissa Guerra-Lacasse
Composition, Buchla Music Easel, ondes Martenot, MIDI guitar and voice: Pat McMaster
Composed as part of the first ever Vivier Interuniversitaire matchmaking composer/performer intitiative, 2020/2021.
Erosion (2020)
Design for installation exploring themes of conservation, transmutation and exposure in relation to the erosion of Prince Edward Island. Featuring custom built light-soundhouses, novel spatialisation, projection and sound. Proof of concept stereo demo below.
duedo21 (2020)
21 equal temperament electroacoustic composition for eight-channels. Sound parameters and spatialisation directed through sonification of data captured from five matches of the board game Blokus Duo played between the composer and an artificial intelligence.
The Emperor’s Visit (2020)
The Emperor’s Visit is a nine-channel fixed-media composition with live quadraphonic accompaniment and Arduino-controlled looping. It was composed and performed in the Spring of 2020 as part of the Electroacoustic program at Concordia University.
New Objectives (2019)
5.1 channel composition inspired by Paul Hindemith and the Neue Sachlichkeit movement.
Urane – Glacier (2019)
Glacier was assembled and produced following three months of recording with a minimal setup utilizing two vintage, monophonic analog synthesizers and a Moog percussion synth. The result is an album of visual music with a dark, imaginative soundtrack-like quality. Collaboration with Véro Marengère.
Track 4, Ommatokoita.
Onibaba (2017)
Completely original electronic sound design and score for Kaneto Shindo’s classic 1964 film.